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Webinar Climate Crisis, Food Security and Resilience in Zimbabwe
18. Januar 2024 , 18:00 - 20:00
Dear friends and interested people,
we cordially invite you to participate in our webinar series and are looking forward to an in-depth exchange and discussion.
Please register here: zimbabwenetzwerk@posteo.de
(by not later than Monday, 15/01/2024)
The link will be sent to you the day before the webinar
Next Webinar: Thursday, 18 January 2024, 18:00 – 20:00 h
(ATTENTION, i.e. 19:00 – 21:00 h in Zimbabwe)
What is the Contribution of Development Cooperation to Food Security and Climate Resilience in Zimbabwe?
VERONICA NONHLANHLA JAKARASI (NEE GUNDU) is a Chartered Development Finance Analyst, and Executive Director of the Institute of
Sustainability and Development Finance www.isdf.co.zw. She is the former Head of Climate Finance at Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, Kenya with
15 years of experience in sustainability, climate finance and diplomacy.
She led the establishment of the Climate Change Department in Zimbabwe and served as Manager of Climate Finance and Sustainability at the Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe. Veronica is the Lead Negotiator on Mitigation for the African Group of Negotiators under the global climate negotiations.
With Dr. Till Below (agricultural economist and climate change expert working with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit / GIZ), Johann Singer (Programme Officer for Zimbabwe / Bread for the World) and Matthias Spaeth (Country Director Zimbabwe Welthungerhilfe /WHH)